Sunday, 14 February 2016


Ever thought what your cause is. What are you seeking from the life? Whatever you’re doing, is it making you happy?
Are you the one who’s after wealth? If you really are after wealth, your ambitions are futile.
Who becomes great? This is the question: who is a great person? This world has left after many legends. What made them legends? Of course their work did. Their effort of bringing change through their work did. Initially they died but left behind insignias into the hearts of people whose lives eased with the effort they made. Every great person worked with all their blood and sweat not with a purpose to earn riches, but to bring change.
Their are always hurdles and hustles in life, because without problems their's no life. but if you just give up you may never know that you are at the edge of struggle. Initially will give rise to many more struggles. Their shall always be folks trying to be your resistance. It's up to you whether to back down or ditch them and keep on doing your work. because one day your work will speak for you.
Steve Jobs said “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” great lines uttered by a great person himself.
Until and unless you believe that you fall heir the thing in you to make a change, you can’t do nothing. The first step is change. Alter yourself, to believe. Without believe we are just a common person wedged with the chase, a student trapped into rat race.
Every person is a blessed with a gift. Our deity has not looked down upon to anyone. It’s difficult to make out. But a time comes when you get a hook of it. It’s our duty to grab it. And give shape to your gifts; make use out of it, not just for your own cause but for the betterment of the society.